Morgan Miller III


Morgan Miller III is a fifth-generation San Diegan from Point Loma. He is a graduate of Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, with a BFA in illustration. Along with Sibyl Rubottom, he organizes, sets up, and runs the Athenaeum’s Print Studio in Logan Heights. His work there includes teaching printmaking, typesetting for letterpress, linoleum block prints, and other forms of printmaking. He maintains the presses and prints various projects for the Athenaeum, as well as continuing his own art practice. Morgan appreciates the process of printmaking because of his background in illustration. With the letterpress you can connect words with pictures and print multiple copies. This makes printmaking the perfect choice for someone with a background in drawing, painting, and graphic design. It is a great way to create a handmade image with type. Creating with letterpress invokes the feeling that each print is a work of art in itself.

Angela LynchMorgan Miller III